Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes .
Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. They may promote physical and emotional well-being. Acupuncture is sometimes combined with another therapy for certain patients to enhance the therapeutic effect of the treatment.
Call to make appointment. Call: 01582 206 366
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FSN - Floating Needle Modern Acupuncture :
Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling (FSN), Acupuncture, or Faster Modern Acupuncture originated from Chinese traditional acupuncture, is a new acupuncture technique which is invented by Dr Zhong-hua Fu, a Chinese doctor, in 1996. FSN acupuncture uses a modified acupuncture needle, a trocar acupuncture needle, to stimulate the subcutaneous layer. It affects areas where nearby trigger points, or taut muscles, tightened muscles. It is proving to be very effective especially in a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions . It can produce pain relieving effect. for many acute pain conditions, such as muscular and ligament strains, tennis elbow, or acute back & neck pain etc. Our patients describe the FSN Acupuncture as “magical needle” therapy. Mr Shamim Akhtar is one of the 150 specialist practitioners of FSN Acupuncture in Europe, and uses it in his clinic to treat a wide range of musculo-skeletal health issues .FSN is especially useful for tightened or over-used and sore muscle conditions.
What is FSN Acupuncture ?
Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling (FSN) is a modern acupuncture which was invented in China by Dr Zhong-hua Fu, in 1996. This technique uses a modified acupuncture needle, an FSN Trocar Acupuncture Needle to stimulate subcutaneous areas where there are nearby trigger points or tightened muscles (TMs). The technique is used to treat muscular-skeletal problems as well as many other medical conditions, for instance avascular necrosis (AVN), macular degeneration (AMD), and many others. In particular, FSN is renowned for its almost instantaneous pain reduction. Patients quite often describe the FSN as "magic needle" with unbelievable effects.
What conditions can FSN treat?
Tennis elbow
Shoulder pain / Frozen shoulder
Neck pain / Knee pain
Back pain / Lower back pain
Trapped nerve / Sciatica
Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Weak bladder
Restless leg syndrome
Chronic Gastritis
Dry Cough
Dysmenorrhoea (painful period)
Crohn's Disease
Sports injury / GYM injury
Bell’s Palsy
It is absolutely safe as it only manipulates on the subcutaneous layer. We always use individually packaged, sterile, disposable needles in the clinic which minimises any side-effects
Call to make appointment for Modern Acupuncture treatment :
Call : 01582 206366